Add LaTeX and markdown support for poll answers
under review
Cody Morrow
under review
Peleg Shilo
Can we also get LaTeX support for Minerva docs? This can significantly improve the classroom experience for CS and NS courses
Leo Ware
I think we would get a lot better a Latex if we worked in it every week. This is a valuable skill.
Peleg Shilo
Please also do the same for poll questions
Gaurish Katlana
Please my eyes hurt when I see non LaTeX equations in my class. The text just makes me cry.
Khoi Pham
Agreed, CS111B especially needs it because writing out matrices in poll is a mess
Stanislav Chobanov
We need this for NS142 for example, where a poll answer might look like this: |\psi> = 1 / 2 ( 1/sqrt(2) <+x| + 1/sqrt(2) <-x| ) + i \sqrt(3)/2 ( 1/sqrt(2) <+x| - 1/sqrt(2) <-x| )